Want to know more about modern trends in digitisation? Need to broaden your horizons and build up an idea of the direction your company or public organisation will take in the future? Then get in touch with us.

We are fully aware of the power of education, whether within the broader context or within the more specific context of modern digital technologies. We and our partners in the EDIH consortium therefore organise online education events, training sessions, and internships that thematically focus on digital skills, from basic to advanced. We understand this to be an essential condition for the digitisation of the region.

Calendars of events that are currently under preparation can be found at the Regional Development Agency (consortium leader) website and at the websites of individual consortium members.

Digital transformation is not limited to simply replacing old tools with new, digital ones. It means a holistic change in technology and in the way people think about their activities.

Digitisation requires you to rethink your approach to the benefits you provide to your customers. Such a rethink takes in more than any one individual department (sales, marketing, customer support, etc.). It sets the mechanism for interweaving feedback from the customer at the company. One example of this is the CRM system, a digital tool for sharing information about a customer across organisations.

The transformation of processes from physical to digital involves complex transformation of the essence of what you supply to the customer (product, service) and the way you deliver it (distribution channel).

Digital infrastructure is key, involving as it does the integration of available cloud tools for working with the required software, creating and integrating new applications, storing data, accessing them, working with them.

The data-driven principle is becoming a necessity. Organisations that are run based on knowledge taken from analyses of collected data gain a competitive advantage. This is the clear trend towards which digital technologies are directing us.

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